Saturday 30 July 2016

Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Quebec

Welcome to Nova Scotia. The first thing we noticed in Nova Scotia was trees were a lot darker in colour than on Prince Edward Island. There was also a constant smoke haze in the air. We drove the Cabot Trail in the Cape Breton Highlands anti-clockwise to avoid the tourist traffic (Thanks for the advice Mark), our first night was in a little town called Whycocomagh (pronounced Why gog ma). Then on to Pleasant Bay for a morning of whale watching. We saw a pod of pilot whales, 2 babies and a few seals. The countryside is amazing, so pretty and so green.
Aggregate mining
     Can you spot the red house in the trees?
Mary Ann Falls
Beulach Ban Falls
Garage sale on the side of the road
We then traveled to the oldest town in Canada called Annapolis Royal. Originally called Port Royal in 1710 the town was renamed in honour of Queen Anne. We did a graveyard tour, visited the Historical Garden, explored Fort Anne, caught a ferry to a couple of islands, walked 3kms to see the balancing rock. Beautiful little town and a place that we would revisit.
The home on the top left is the oldest home in Annapolis Royal
We did the graveyard tour at night then went back next day to take photos.
Heritage Tapestry which covers 400 years of history. 20,000 hours of stitching, and over 3 million stitches
Above Queen Anne's medallion is a small patch of gold stitching that was done by Queen Elizabeth
Fort Anne model and the gun powder rooms
The ferry and a selfie on the ferry in a truck mirror.
The Balancing Rock
Our next stop was Moncton, New Brunswick to see the giant lobster, Hopewell rocks were the tide seems to be always out, saw the tidal wave whilst driving over the bridge, drove down Magnetic Hill then continued on our journey.
The biggest lobster in the world!
Shediac Harbour
Hopewell Rocks. We are standing on the ocean floor.
The tidal wave and the water filling the river

A video of the tide coming in
A short drive to St Andrews on the coast for another whale watching cruise, this one was very disappointing as we only saw one whale but we had a nice boat ride. The next day was our huge 800km travel day, then off to an animal sanctuary. What an awesome day that was.
The view from our motel room.
Our yellow motel from the boat
After 26 days and 8430 kilometres we are back in Markham for 8 days rest and to do the washing/ironing before we head off on another mega 4 weeks sightseeing.

Friday 15 July 2016

Welcome to Prince Edward Island - It's Impressive

Prince Edward Island is as beautiful as they say it is and is exactly how Lucy Maud Montgomery describes in her books Anne of Green Gables. We enjoyed touring and site seeing for a week on the Island. The homes are well cared for and the gardens are manicured perfectly. No community is more than 16kms from water.
The Confederation Bridge from New Brunswick to Prince Edward Island 12.9Kms
Shops in Victoria
The Canadian Potato Museum
Diseases in the potatoes
Potato Crop
Historic O'Leary Church
Historic School, Newton at the Teachers desk and the naughty chair
Chapel made from bottles
House and Tavern made from bottles
The Bottle House Gardens
North Coastal Drive
Glenwood Pond
Driving the lawnmower up the road
North Coastal Drive
The West Point Lighthouse - which we climbed and the view from the top
View from the Lighthouse
Actors in period costume

Young actors performing songs about Canada
St Duncan's Basilica - Charlottetown
St Duncan's Basilica - Charlottetown
St Duncan's Basilica - Charlottetown
Playground attached to a School
So green!  This was taken on a cloudy day.
The rolling green landscape
Red Cliffs
Comfortable red chairs at the beach
Lucy Maud Montgomery - Anne of Green Gables
The house where Lucy Maud Montgomery was born 30th November 1874
The room where she was born, a commemorative plaque and a photo aged 45 years
Lucy Maud Montgomery's wedding dress
Lucy Maud Montgomery's final resting place - overlooking her beloved forest
All that remains of the house in which she grew up in and which she wrote Anne of Green Gables plus 3 other books
Green Gables
The kitchen
The sitting room
Anne's room and Marilla's room
Anne and the barn at Green Gables
Green Gables garden
The haunted woods as written about in Anne of Green Gables
Avonlea is the fictitious village written about in Anne of Green Gables and these buildings were used as sets in the movies
Anne souvenirs
East Coast Drive
Getting ready to plant potatoes

A beautiful manicured garden  and spectacular view

East Point Lighthouse and beach
Red sand beach
Lobster roll for lunch
Sculptures in Montague
Sunset under the bridge

Potatoes in flower and a potato crop

 Canola crops
Hay bales and the Confederation Bridge

Ride-on lawnmowers and St Patrick's Catholic Church
Mussel farm and fishermen
Unusual things we have seen
Red shore line and a small home
North Cape Lighthouse and shore line
Standing on the tip of the North Cape of Prince Edward Island
Wood Islands

Beautiful farmland and Northumberland Strait
Wooden replicas
Wood Islands Lighthouse

Our ferry to Nova Scotia
Interesting flavour to begin with, then they tasted just like regular chips. The smell was worse.