Home to our new abode for a quick shower then out to Christmas dinner with our exchangee's family.
Slept for 10 hrs and we think we have now adjusted to Toronto time.
Saturday we unpacked then went shopping - as you do on Boxing Day. We called into a shop called Best Buy (like the Good Guys) and there was not one Caucasian to be seen, can't believe how many Asians live here.
Sunday morning and we can't sleep, up at 4.15am - washed, ironed, vacuumed and mopped the floor.
Newton doing a little bit of home maintenance whilst I read.
Still no internet at home so have to go to Starbucks or Tim Hortons to use free wifi.
We have a family of squirrels living next door. They are very entertaining to watch.
Glad it's nice and warm WOD! X